Support & FAQ

Please check here for answers to the most commonly asked questions.
If the answer isn’t here, then please contact the club using the form on this page.
If you prefer, call or email using the information on the Contact page.

How can we help you?

We are normally open during daylight hours. These timings may vary and you should always check that the club is open before visiting.

The Club is offering reduced rates until the 31st March 2024. Weekdays – £10.00 Weekends – £12.00

The Members area has a Calendar sub-menu. To view everything, just select All Competitions. Each class of competition is sub-divided into its own menu item. To look up any particular event, use the Search box at the top of the page. Below the Search box, there are two ways of browsing events, plus a button to return you to today.

Can’t find the answer?
Ask us!